RSVP RSVP for 1 RSVP for 1 What's your name? * First Name Last Name Wedding Events Will you be attending our wedding on March 8th? * Yes No Will you join us for the welcome yacht cruise on the morning of March 7th? * It will begin around approximately 10AM and return around 2-3PM. More details to come. Yes No Your Dinner Options What’s your dinner preference for the reception? * Filet Mignon with sweet potato mash, creamed spinach, and bordelaise sauce Red Snapper with fresh basil & lemon, julienne vegetables, and mushroom risotto Vegetarian meal Vegan meal Would you prefer a soup or salad with your meal? * Mango Gazpacho Soup Green Salad with Tequila Dressing Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions we should know about? (Gluten/Dairy/Shellfish/etc.) Logistics Where will you be staying in Puerto Vallarta? * Zona Romantica Hotel Zone Centro (downtown) Other Please share details about your accommodation here. When will you arrive in Puerto Vallarta? * MM DD YYYY When will you leave Puerto Vallarta? * MM DD YYYY Let's Boogie What is a song or two that will get you on the dance floor? In true Russian tradition, where heartfelt toasts and speeches are a cherished part of any gathering, we’d love to hear from those who want to share a few words. Would you like to give a toast during the celebration? Yes - I have a great story to share No, thanks - speeches are a spectator sport for me Maybe - keep the mic on standby in case I get emotional Thank you! RSVP for 2 RSVP for 2 Guest 1 * First Name Last Name Guest 2 * First Name Last Name Wedding Events Who will be attending our wedding on March 8th? * Guest 1 Guest 2 Neither Who will join us for the welcome yacht cruise on the morning of March 7th? * It will begin around approximately 10AM and return around 2-3PM. More details to come. Guest 1 Guest 2 Neither Dinner Options What's Guest 1's dinner preference for the reception? * Filet mignon with sweet potato mash, creamed spinach, and bordelaise sauce Red Snapper with fresh basil & lemon, julienne vegetables, and mushroom riotto Vegetarian meal Vegan meal Would Guest 1 prefer a soup or salad with their meal? * Mango Gazpacho Soup Green Salad with Tequila Dressing What's Guest 2's dinner preference for the reception? * Filet mignon with sweet potato mash, creamed spinach, and bordelaise sauce Red Snapper with fresh basil & lemon, julienne vegetables, and mushroom riotto Vegetarian meal Vegan meal Would Guest 2 prefer a soup or salad with their meal? * Mango Gazpacho Soup Green Salad with Tequila Dressing Does either guest have any allergies or dietary restrictions we should know about? (Gluten/Dairy/Shellfish/etc.) Logistics Where will you be staying in Puerto Vallarta? * Zona Romantica Hotel Zone Centro (downtown) Other Please share details about your accommodation here. When will you arrive in Puerto Vallarta? * MM DD YYYY When will you leave Puerto Vallarta? * MM DD YYYY Let's Boogie What is a song or two that will get you on the dance floor? In true Russian tradition, where heartfelt toasts and speeches are a cherished part of any gathering, we’d love to hear from those who want to share a few words. Would you like to give a toast during the celebration? Yes - I have a great story to share No, thanks - speeches are a spectator sport for me Maybe - keep the mic on standby in case I get emotional Thank you!