
Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all, and we are so grateful to have you celebrate this special moment with us.

If you’d like to mark the occasion with a gift, we kindly ask that you consider one of the following options:

Contribute to Our Honeymoon Fund

We’re excited to begin our (officially) married life with an unforgettable honeymoon adventure. If you’d like to help us create these memories, we’d be so grateful for your support.

Charitable Donation

In lieu of gifts, and if you are called to do so, we invite you to donate to one of the following organizations:

Prison Mindfulness Institute, a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of mindfulness-based approaches in prisons and other correctional settings to support personal transformation, rehabilitation, and the overall well-being of incarcerated individuals. Meditation has been a part of our lives for many years and one of the most powerful tools we have personally engaged in to develop emotional resilience, compassion, and a healthy life. You can read more about the organization’s mission and donate here.

10Four - Denver Youth Center, a nonprofit in Denver, Colorado that helps bridge the opportunity gap for underserved youth aged 7 to 18 through after-school and summer programs. Both of us were incredibly lucky to attend high-caliber schools and have one or both parents to take care of  them when they came home. Many kids do not have the same privilege, and are in need of a space that provides structured programs in the presence of caretakers and educators. Education is still the greatest catalyst for social mobility, and we would love to have you join us in supporting local youth. You can read more about the organization’s mission and donate here.

Thank you for your love, generosity, and kindness. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!